True North's Archive

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Cut Above the Rest- a Wags to Riches Story

Hiding from mama - Chaucer (left) and William (right): note.. Chaucer cuddling with his bunny rabbit like a baby

The daunting and dirty task of grooming the boys... 

My next DIY project? A Newfie Grooming Table (below)... A necessity I feel for these two bears...

Tools of the Trade:

- Slicker brush
- Shedding/Stripping Blade
- Grooming rake
- shampoo- conditioner- dry towels- blower-dryer- grooming table- cotton-wool for cleaning ears- nails cutter- metal comb- pin-brush, soft- stright scissors- thinning scissors (with one blade with cutting teeth) n°46 - dematting comb (we will use it for another purpose)
- Blow dryer
- Prerscription for Xanxex...

- Bottle, make it two bottles-- of wine
-Shop Vac

My carpet.....

I even researched "How to Groom a Lion.. er, Newfoundland" and a very informative but over stimulating website made me feel a little like I was taking a panic attack. 

I am thrilled... just living the dream
Again, loving life..

But I know full well that it's a necessity for these boys in the South Carolina heat.

Chaucer as fury as can be

The Newf's puppy coat will begin to change over to adult coat at about six months of will begin with a shinier streak of hair down the middle of the back and in the middle of the tail...coat that appears harsher and less "fluffy". 

I swear some days they are in cahoots with one another

Everyone just says "shave them!" Well, apparently their coat should NOT be shaved. Mother nature presents the dog with insulation in the summer and in the winter. 

Chaucer has been prone to sever  "hot spots" since moving to the jungle so keeping his coat short has been vital (and expensive). Since the two won't seperate (ever!) I had to suck it up and learn to do it myself.......  Even our amazing dog walker/groomer/friend Christine couldn't do it.. so it was left to mommy... (thanks boys)

They sort of just melt into one massive fur ball when cuddling

Bones, scissors, Peanut butter, enough fur to make a sweater and Will overseeing everything

Chow chow finally forgave me and was welcome into my bed with his cute new hair cut for some cuddle time

Mama and baby cuddling (on white sheets.. ughhh!!!)
The fur balls up north- BEFORE picture